Part 6: Manage users and groups
1) Create, delete, and modify local user accounts.
* maybe yum install system-config-users will do trick?
* getent passwd (list users)
* getent group (list groups)
* useradd
* userdel
* usermod
2) Change passwords and adjust password aging for local user accounts.
* passwd or chage
* passwd user
* echo "joe1:passsword1234" | chpasswd
* passwd -x 30 joe1 (password will expire in 30 days)
* passwd -S joe1 (shows some info about user password)
* chage -E "2013-05-05" joe4 (password for joe4 expire at 05/05/2013)
* chage -l joe4 (list some info about joe4)
* or use 'chage username' and go on options
* passwd -l (lock) or -u (unlock), passwd --help or chage --help
3) Create, delete, and modify local groups and group memberships.
* groupadd
* groupdel
* groupmod
* groupmems
TIP: use manual ;)
4) Configure a system to use an existing LDAP directory service for user and group information.
* yum -y install openldap-clients system-config-authentication nss-pam-ldapd
* then run: system-config-authentication
* or run authconfig-tui
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